Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ahmadiyya: Attacked in RI, Bombed in Pakistan

IndonesiaNewsTimes (National) ~ Three months after the arrival of U.S. President Barack Obama, who praised Indonesia as 'the world an example of tolerance', three people died horribly. Because of his conviction. 

Three pilgrims Ahmadiyya - Mulyadi, Roni, and Tarno - died after being attacked by hundreds of residents. An action that was condemned throughout the Muslim community. 

This is not the first time violence aimed at the Ahmadiyya congregation. Saturday, January 29, 2011, a number of Ahmadis in Makassar was also forced to evacuate because of the mass invaded. In Lombok, they even have to stay in the dormitory Transito because their village destroyed the end of December 2010. In that area also, in 2001, the Ahmadiyya congregation, Papuk Hasan (60) judged the mass of agony. "The killer has not been prosecuted," said Ahmadiyah region mubalig NTB and NTT, Nasiruddin Ahmad, Monday, February 7, 2011. 

Violence against Ahmadiyah congregation not only happen in Indonesia. Also in Pakistan, where this genre was born. 

On May 28, 2010, more than 98 people were killed when gunmen attacked two mosques in the city of Lahore Ahmadiyya. Actors bullets fired up and threw grenades in the middle of Friday prayers. The Associated Press reported, this attack is the largest and most well-planned against Ahmadis. 

There are about four million followers of Ahmadiyah in the country. Pakistan is the only country that officially declared non-Muslims are followers of the Ahmadiyah. Pakistan parliament decision was taken in 1974. Ten years later, in 1984, the government officially banned the Ahmadiyah followers call themselves Muslim.
The Constitution was amended. There clearly stated, the definition of Muslims is: "People who believe that Prophet Muhammad was the last messenger." 

For information, despite identifying themselves as Muslims, followers of the states of its founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as the last prophet - something that is considered to deviate from Islamic teachings.
Meanwhile, in Bangladesh, the fundamental group of followers of Ahmadiyah demands that the number reached 100,000 people classified as 'infidels'. Ahmadis also become targets of violence and even some of the followers were killed. 

Like the BBC website published, in January 2004, Bangladesh banned all Ahmadiyya publications. As many as 5,000 people marched to the Ahmadiyya mosque in the day of announcement. Had no issues going to the mosque was raided, but the actions were peaceful. 

In a statement, the Interior Ministry argued that the prohibition. "There are some materials that invite objections, which could harm or potentially hurt the sentiments of the majority of Muslims in Bangladesh," such as the BBC website published, January 9, 2004. 

Meanwhile, in the neighboring country, Malaysia, including groups that banned Ahmadiyya. The others include, Islamailiah, Shia, and Baha'i. As the site loaded the UNHCR, the government categorizes these groups' deviant 'and memerintahkan'rehabilitasi' to the true teachings of Islam. 

In November 2008, the government decided to monitor the Qadiani sect - a branch of the Ahmadiyya Movement. The same was decided Brunei Darussalam.


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